
Important [Action Required] API Update for Shopee, 11st, Coupang, LotteOn, Shopee


Hello, this is TracX Logis.


We would like to inform sellers using the 11st, Coupang, Lotte ON, and Shopee Shopping Mall APIs about upcoming changes.

Due to IP address expansion related to the Smart Ship service system upgrade, you need to add API access IPs in your seller administrator page for each marketplace.

For improved service stability, the legacy system may be terminated without notice after the deadline below. If you have not registered the new IP addresses, API integration may be rejected with 'Unauthorized' and cease to function properly.

Please add the following access IP addresses to your API configuration screen by December 28, 2024.


* Additional TX IP Addresses Required


Please refer to the integration guides below for detailed instructions on making these changes.

- 11st Integration Guide: Go to guide

- Coupang Integration Guide: Go to guide

- Lotte ON Integration Guide: Go to guide

- Shopee Integration Guide: Go to guide



Thank you.

Best regards, TracX Logis

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